Friday, February 27, 2009

Brave New World 2

OK, so I am struggling to be able to put type in the same place as pictures successfully.
I just wrote a long post about new plans for the blog this year & then lost it all when I added the photos (below).

It is new times & I am going to work hard at posting once a week. In particular, I am going to write some thoughts on the studys that we are doing as a group. We're working through Jon Thorpe's studies on 1 John. "Living the Real Thing."

I thought it was a nice challenge tonight, not to get caught up in the temptations of the world. So much of the world we encounter. TV, Movies, even School, can be focussed on material stuff. How successful/happy you are, we get told, is determined by what you have. But in the end it wont make you happy. However, through Jesus Christ we have the promise of something far greater. As the last verse of our study tonight says.

The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever.

It's my hope that has we grow as a youth group (God willing, in numbers as well as in maturity) that we might be people who DESIRE to do God's will, and not desire to chase after all the things that might look shiny & interesting in the present, but promise to leave us feeling empty afterward.

Let's make sure that we are a youth group who invests in things that will last forever!

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