Thursday, August 14, 2008

Bicarbonate of Soda

Caleb & I meet mid-week for Bible study. We've been looking through the book of Acts & it's going great! But in the second half of our meeting time, we've been getting up to a bit of experimentation. Also lots of fun.
Here's a video of what happens when you mix Bi-Carb with vinegar...

Actually, I can't work out how to get it to embed here on the site, but you can see it at

Monday, August 11, 2008

The Famine

This weekend is going to be a very exciting time, when Wyoming Anglican Youth take on the 40 hour famine head on!
It's going to be man V. stomach as we see who can last the full 40. 
I have run a 40 hour famine a couple of times in the last couple of years, but it has been a while since I have participate myself. In fact, if I was to be honest, I would have to say that the last time I took part I was a teenage. All I really remember of it is that I think I snuck a potato chip or two at about midnight. This time I am hoping to hold strong though.

It's also been great as we continue in our series this month on "7 things you need to know about being a Christian."

So far we have looked at the following.

1: That God reveals Himself to us in His word in the Bible.

2: That we were made to be in relationship with God. (That is, He's not like someone who winds up a clock & then leaves it to run by itself)

3: That we can't maintain a relationship with God by our 0wn strength.

So, I've been a bit slack with the blog, but I promise to pick up the pace from here!